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Anna Gaberscik

Founder, Through Our Eyes


Antiracism Consulting, Cultural Management, Public Relations, Performance and Film 


Vienna / NYC

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Anna Gaberscik (USA/AT), born in Brooklyn, New York City, is an anti-racism trainer and activist, performer, writer and director. Her writing, as well as her other work, focuses on anti-racism and challenging patriarchal, heteronormative, and white narratives and discourses.Anna is the founder of Through Our Eyes, an interdisciplinary project that explores anti-racism, intersectionality, and empowerment in various creative forms. Developing and curating performances, films, and even awareness trainings with an anti-racist focus, the project "Through Our Eyes" addresses difficult issues through a critical yet creative lens. "Through Our Eyes" has collaborated with renowned institutions such as the Weltmuseum, Frauen*solidarität, the University of Vienna, Impulstanz and designaustria.In her work and workshops, Anna emphasizes the revolutionary potential of preserving and amplifying BIPoC voices, especially when it comes to socio-political issues. Her social justice agenda is influenced and inspired by various BIPoC cultural phenomena, drawing much inspiration from African-American culture.


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